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On a Friday morning, this is what looks beautiful to a person with chronic Lyme disease

14 Sep

This is what a person with Lyme Disease thinks looks beautiful on a Friday morning.

See? Those with chronic Lyme are just like  other people,

except that they are sick.

On 9/11, this is what a person with chronic Lyme disease thinks about

11 Sep

This is what a person with Lyme Disease is thinking about on this day, 9/11.

See? Those with chronic Lyme are just like  other people,

except that they are sick.

On a Friday morning, this is what looks beautiful to a person with chronic Lyme disease

7 Sep

This is what a person with Lyme Disease thinks looks beautiful on a Friday morning.

See? Those with chronic Lyme are just like  other people,

except that they are sick.

This is how you keep in touch when you have chronic Lyme disease

6 Sep

This is how you keep in touch with your son who has chronic Lyme disease now that he has gone back to school.

“Hello? Is everything okay? Are you sure? ”

On a Friday morning, this is what looks beautiful to a person with chronic Lyme disease

31 Aug

This is what a person with Lyme Disease thinks looks beautiful on a Friday morning.

See? Those with chronic Lyme are just like  other people,

except that they are sick.

This is how you send you son off to college when he has chronic Lyme disease

29 Aug

Have you packed your supplements? C, D, and E? Do you have your cane, just in case you need it? Moisturizer? Do you have that little thing that makes blending the powder into juice easier?

Don’t forget to eat healthy food. Drink plenty of water. Make sure you get enough sleep.

Stay healthy and have a good year at college.

This is what you send your son back to college with when he has chronic Lyme disease

28 Aug

This is what you send your son back to college with when he has chronic Lyme disease. It’s a set of blessing beads, like the one you carry but a friend (a really good friend) made some using green beads, the universal color for the fight against Lyme disease.

It’s a reminder to be grateful for what you have, to be kind to others by sending healing thoughts their way, and it’s a way to remember that you are not your disease.

You are so much more.

You are a caring, intelligent, strong, and funny person with an incredible support and cheering section standing always right behind you. You are going to make a positive change in the world.

Always remember that you are so much more.

This is how you think of ticks when you have chronic Lyme disease

23 Aug

Ticks –  things that before you had chronic Lyme disease you though of as simply nuisances of summer. Now that you have Lyme, you see them for what they are – dangerous beasts hiding in the grass ready to attack when you aren’t paying attention.

This is what you wonder when you have chronic Lyme disease

20 Aug

When you were a kid, you played for hours at a time in the woods. Your Dad had built you a tree house and in that fort, you sailed the seas and protected the lands from invaders. You were bit by mosquitoes, spiders, and ticks but simply saw it as a small price to pay for the grand adventures.

Now that you are older, now that you have suffered for so long from the infection of a bite, you wonder if you have a son – would even dare to build such a dangerous trap for  him?

On a Friday morning, this is what looks beautiful to a person with chronic Lyme disease

17 Aug

This is what a person with Lyme Disease thinks looks beautiful on a Friday morning.

See? Those with chronic Lyme are just like  other people,

except that they are sick.